Public Accounts Committee


Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd




Meeting date:

Tuesday, 24 April 2012




Meeting time:

08:50 - 11:00




This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at:




Concise Minutes:




Assembly Members:


Darren Millar (Chair)

Mohammad Asghar

Mike Hedges

Julie Morgan

Gwyn Price

Jenny Rathbone

Lindsay Whittle

Eluned Parrott








Keith Edwards, Chartered Institute of Housing Cymru

Hiscocks, Chartered Institute of Housing Cymru

Elin Jones, Chartered Institute of Housing Cymru

Sue Finch, Welsh Local Government Association

Tony Jaques, Vale of Glamorgan

Robin Staines, Carmarthenshire County Council






Committee Staff:


Tom Jackson (Clerk)

Daniel Collier (Deputy Clerk)

Joanest Jackson (Legal Advisor)





1.  Introductions, apologies and substitutions

1.1     The Chair welcomed Members and members of the public.


1.2     The Chair welcomed Lindsay Whittle AM, and formally thanked Leanne Wood AM for her contribution to the work of the Public Accounts Committee.


1.3     Apologies were received from Aled Roberts, for whom Eluned Parrot was substituting.






2.  Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:

Item 3.




3.  Consideration of draft report on A Picture of Public Services

3.1 The Committee agreed its report on a Picture of Public Services, which would be published shortly.




4.  Progress in Delivering the Welsh Housing Quality Standard - Evidence from the Welsh Local Government Association and the Chartered Institute of Housing Cymru

4.1 The Chair Welcomed Keith Edwards, Director – Equalities and Social Justice, CIH Cymru; Elin Jones, Housing and Regeneration Manager, CIH Cymru; Victoria Hiscocks, Policy and Public Affairs Manager, CIH Cymru; Sue Finch, Housing Policy Officer, WLGA; Tony Jaques, Head of Public Housing Services – Vale of Glamorgan Council; and Robin Staines, Head of Housing Services – Carmarthenshire County Council.


4.2 Members questioned the witnesses.




5.  Grants Management in Wales - Evidence from the Welsh Government

5.1 The Chair Welcomed Dame Gillian Morgan, Permanent Secretary to the Welsh Government; Michael Hearty, Director General for strategic planning for Finance and Performance; and Arwel Thomas, Head of Corporate Governance.


5.2 Members scrutinised the Accounting Officer.


5.3 The Committee agreed to write to the Accounting Officer to request further information on questions it did not reach.


Action point:


·         The Welsh Government agreed to provide a chart outlining the reduction in the number of grant schemes.




6.  Papers to note

6.1 The Committee noted the correspondence from the Auditor General for Wales regarding Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales.


6.2 The Committee noted correspondence from the Welsh Government regarding Public Participation in Waste Recycling.


6.3 The Committee ratified the minutes of the meeting on 20 March 2012.

